Friday, May 29, 2009
Video sharing on Fonwar community:
Video sharing on some video community website could be a bit of hassle if there are too many steps to follow, ever consider that you wish to share some videos instantly to your family and friends but due to some confusion steps and slow uploading speed that always causing you to give-up most of the time. Nevertheless without a personal computer or laptop uploading video to website almost could consider an impossible task to do. However there is one mobile community called Fonwar allows the users or subscribers member to share videos using their personal mobile phone. Especially nowadays most of the mobile phones have the video capturing function, and to become a member of this community all you need to do is register to be the user or subscriber member of the Fonwar community and straight away you can upload or share your personal video on the website community. The video format that are accepted in the community will be mov Quicktime video format, flv Flash video format, wmv Window media video format, avi video format and 3gp video format, for users that are more concern about personal privacy there are different option could be choose for posting or sharing their video on this community, for example you can set the sharing videos to "Public" where others users of the community can watch them, set sharing video to "Private" or "Friends only" which only allow your friends to assess or watch the video was posted on the community, in addition password could also be set for locking your posted videos. You could also create a playlist for your posted videos and grouping them into different categories for viewing pleasure. Just like many others video community, command posting after watching your videos also available in Fonwar and of course you can delete those negative commands towards your posted video, the tremendous thing for the video sharing on Fonwar is you can also write the blog regarding the posted video and video will be link and places in the blog. Especially for those users or subscribers member who like to write blogs now they could even colorize their blogs by adding the video that are related to the written blogs. To try out this community and would want to know more about Fonwar, you could visit the webpage at
share video,
sharing videos,
uploading video,
video community,
video upload,
Monday, May 25, 2009
Stone Age Vengeance by Fonwar

Stone Age Vengeance a mobile game that full with tremendous graphic design and game characters especially the characters of this game is very cute and funny. The game story starts with this injustice be fallen upon McNutty & Sophie, the wealthiest and most snobbish squirrel couple in all of Vinewood. The Unwise King has seized all of the McNutty’s possessions and cast them away to an abandoned tree hollow. False accusations driven by pure jealousy have caused them this tragedy. Never without wit, has McNutty taken his vengeance by plundering the King’s orchard. But in McNutty’s act of vengeance, will he survive the perils and dangers that lurk in the orchard? Well it will be depend on you as a player. When you choose to play in Story Mode, you will have the option to go through the tutorial. The tutorial will guide you through for how to complete the game. In story mode it consists of 12 levels, and in each level there will be one collectable item for you to collect in order to furnish your squirrel’s room. You are able to view all your collected items in the show room. The game play is very simple all you have to do is to collect all the acorns or the oak nuts in each stage and avoid yourself of facing your enemies the fox and the green poison snake, but you have the chance to defend yourself by grabbing the stone and use to throw towards your enemies for chasing them away. In the Tournament Mode, you will need to play as many levels as possible in order to gain the highest possible score and if you want to get extra points collect as many items as you can. Once the game is over you will be able to upload your score to the server and you can also view the top 5 highest ranking player for this game. To find out more and to have an experience with this game just visit Fonwar website at

arcade game,
cellular phone,
community game,
gaming community,
Ice Age,
mobile game,
stone age
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The unique of Fonwar:
Fonwar is an unique mobile phone community that allows users to download mobile phone contents like mobile games, wallpapers and ringtones. Differs from any others exiting mobile community Fonwar also allow users to share their daily photos, videos, blogs and exchange personals messages among friends by their own cellular phone once you become the Fonwar member. There are two types of Fonwar member, the VIP member and regular member. Both types of membership allow members to upload their daily photos, videos and blogs to their personal profile but there will be limited to one posting for each service if the user is a regular member and for VIP member the posting for each of the services will be unlimited. Besides these it also allows the members to participate in tournament games. Another unique specialty of Fonwar is it allow subscribers to earn “MG”, the “MG” is a virtual point system that can be use to redeem virtual gift items like cute funny wallpaper and also tangible gift items. When users subscribe to the community “MG” virtual point will be added to their personal account, subscribed users could earn more “MG” by daily login to their personal account, “MG” also can be earn if the user’s sharing photo’s, blogs and videos have the most hits and have the most visits per day. If you would like to find out more about this unique community just visit
cellular phone,
mobile community,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Mobile Game (Cubix UM):

Cubix a new exciting puzzle mobile game, it looks a bit like the rubix cube puzzle that was well-known in the 80’s but just more fun with great visual and art effect thus right now you can play it anytime anywhere on your mobile phone. The story-line goes like this; strange colorful cubes from outer space have been raining upon the Metropolis for as long as its citizens can remember. No ones know where they come from. Once they enter the atmosphere, these cubes begin to radiate powerful energy signatures briefly before dying out. Eventually, the people decided to harness this energy for the benefit of their city. They constructed a huge network of power grids far above Metropolis to net the cubes also, called Cubix and siphon energies from them. Wow sounds very complicated but is fun to play with. Once you select a new game, you will be brought to the briefing screen. In the briefing screen you will be told regarding the story and mission of the game, to attack your enemy you must arrange the color of the Cubix in certain pattern this is because different color patterns will produce different result. The 6 color will represent 6 actions; Red is Vicious attack, Orange is Critical Strike, Blue is Mana Regen, Green is Healing Factor, Yellow is Slow Attack and White is Force Field. Each enemy is immune to certain attacks, this make it more challenging because you must plan and figure out which of the power to use for attacking your enemy. To find out more regarding this exciting game and take the challenge you may visit the Fonwar webpage. You can get this game at Fonwar.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Mobile Game (Peng The Guin):

Due to Global warming the habitats of those cute little Peng the Guins is melting down helping those penguins to find new home by using your cellular phone. A one button exciting game that full with colorful graphic effects and even with vibration effect, once you play it just can’t let it go no matter what. In the game play once you choose Start Game, you will immediately brought to the story screen. After the story screen, you will be briefed with a simple introduction of the game. You have to propel the penguin to the other side by pressing button number 5 when the penguin reaches at the middle of the indicator. The life bar will be decreased for a good or a miss propel of the penguins but if a perfect hit of the Pink penguin, you will be rewarded with random bonuses. The bonuses are Restores life bar, Slow fall, Land faster, Double points, Removes indicator, Raises sea level, Super penguin mode and Penguin hunters but watch out, among the bonuses some may help the player to gain more points and life like the Double points and the Restore life bar where it will of course increasing your points and life bar, there are bonuses that may cause you in trouble for example the removes indicator where the indicator will be remove for a few seconds instate of rewarding I would consider it as a trap because you may not know when to propel the penguins in a perfect hit, and most of the time you may either miss the hit or causing the penguins to either slamming onto the ice mountain or being catch by the flying crow. The Penguin hunter may also be consider as another trap bonus because it catch the penguins when they jump down from the ice mountain blocking you from propel them to the other side of the mountain and maybe just because of these unique bonus that make the game so challenging and fun to play with. Available at Fonwar.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fonwar with IM:
Fonwar a successful mobile phone community that allow users to not only could download the mobile contents through their mobile social networking website but also allow users to form their own community by using the cellular phone. Without a personal computer users could use their mobile phone to share photos, videos and blogs and exchange personals messages among friends. This helps the users to share photos and videos to their friends instantly and easily by just using the mobile phone, especially for those users that like to write now they could write their blogs and message and uploading them instantly anyway anytime by their mobile phone, and for those users who like mobile games, the mobile phone networking website also allow users to download the latest games and compete with others users by playing the tournament games. In addition with the latest Fonwar IM application where users could even use the cellular phones to send live instant message to their friend and family. The application for Fonwar IM is free, you just need to become the member of the community and download the application to your cellular phone. With some simple set-up and verifying steps now you can use your cellular phone to send live instant message and start chatting with your friends and family member, also with the latest Fonwar IM v3.0 now supported the YM, MSN, AIM and GTalk. To experience the fun with sending live instant message just by using the cellular phone and would want to know more about Fonwar, you could visit the webpage at Fonwar.
Instant Messenger,
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mobile Game (Froggie):

Froggie frog a new mobile game that is so exciting and fun to play with. The story line started with a little frog name Froggie who always wanted to get away from the place that it stay and wish to get to the frog paradise a place where it could find all the juicy tasty insects for food. One day Froggie was trying so hard to eat a smelly and skinny fly an old frog told Froggie that there is a place with bountiful amount of juicy insects, with anxious and grateful, Froggie thanked the old frog and ventured forth to the new place of food, and this is where the journey begins. Once the player selects the menu button, the player will be brought to the main menu screen, after selecting a new game player need to choose 1 objective for accomplish. When the player accomplishes his/her objective, he/she will pass and move to the next level. Player just need to hit the correct key pad to eat bug, each bug will land randomly on lily pad also beware of the poison spider cause if Froggie get stunt or get poison by it will make Froggie freeze for a few seconds and the timer bar will be decrease. If Froggie managed to eat the butterfly the time bar will increase at the mean time they got one special bug, if Froggie manage to eat the special bug it will increase more point. During the game, player can call out the objective screen to check the progress. Is a very great function cause it will help you know your status. The score will based on the bug that player catch, there are 13 different kind of bug and each bug will give you different result make sure you catch the correct bug based on the told objective of each stage because if the order is incorrect your point will be deducted. The game is fun and challenging to play and it will train your reaction, mind and IQ.

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