Friday, April 24, 2009

Mobile Game (Peng The Guin):

Due to Global warming the habitats of those cute little Peng the Guins is melting down helping those penguins to find new home by using your cellular phone. A one button exciting game that full with colorful graphic effects and even with vibration effect, once you play it just can’t let it go no matter what. In the game play once you choose Start Game, you will immediately brought to the story screen. After the story screen, you will be briefed with a simple introduction of the game. You have to propel the penguin to the other side by pressing button number 5 when the penguin reaches at the middle of the indicator. The life bar will be decreased for a good or a miss propel of the penguins but if a perfect hit of the Pink penguin, you will be rewarded with random bonuses. The bonuses are Restores life bar, Slow fall, Land faster, Double points, Removes indicator, Raises sea level, Super penguin mode and Penguin hunters but watch out, among the bonuses some may help the player to gain more points and life like the Double points and the Restore life bar where it will of course increasing your points and life bar, there are bonuses that may cause you in trouble for example the removes indicator where the indicator will be remove for a few seconds instate of rewarding I would consider it as a trap because you may not know when to propel the penguins in a perfect hit, and most of the time you may either miss the hit or causing the penguins to either slamming onto the ice mountain or being catch by the flying crow. The Penguin hunter may also be consider as another trap bonus because it catch the penguins when they jump down from the ice mountain blocking you from propel them to the other side of the mountain and maybe just because of these unique bonus that make the game so challenging and fun to play with. Available at Fonwar.


  1. haha this game reminds me of the penguin in the 3D animated movie Madagascar.

  2. Now that you mention it, it does have some resemblance.
    Cute game though :)

  3. Good god! Animal cruelty!

    Just kidding. :)

    Simple game, you know, to pass the time.

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