Friday, May 29, 2009

Video sharing on Fonwar community:

Video sharing on some video community website could be a bit of hassle if there are too many steps to follow, ever consider that you wish to share some videos instantly to your family and friends but due to some confusion steps and slow uploading speed that always causing you to give-up most of the time. Nevertheless without a personal computer or laptop uploading video to website almost could consider an impossible task to do. However there is one mobile community called Fonwar allows the users or subscribers member to share videos using their personal mobile phone. Especially nowadays most of the mobile phones have the video capturing function, and to become a member of this community all you need to do is register to be the user or subscriber member of the Fonwar community and straight away you can upload or share your personal video on the website community. The video format that are accepted in the community will be mov Quicktime video format, flv Flash video format, wmv Window media video format, avi video format and 3gp video format, for users that are more concern about personal privacy there are different option could be choose for posting or sharing their video on this community, for example you can set the sharing videos to "Public" where others users of the community can watch them, set sharing video to "Private" or "Friends only" which only allow your friends to assess or watch the video was posted on the community, in addition password could also be set for locking your posted videos. You could also create a playlist for your posted videos and grouping them into different categories for viewing pleasure. Just like many others video community, command posting after watching your videos also available in Fonwar and of course you can delete those negative commands towards your posted video, the tremendous thing for the video sharing on Fonwar is you can also write the blog regarding the posted video and video will be link and places in the blog. Especially for those users or subscribers member who like to write blogs now they could even colorize their blogs by adding the video that are related to the written blogs. To try out this community and would want to know more about Fonwar, you could visit the webpage at


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