Getting boring with those lifeless old school board games? Is time to change to this excited mobile game, “The Duel Online” a strategy board game packed with stunning and action anime effects, your goal is to capture the enemy King. Your pawns stand ready to do your bidding for this cause; each has mastered its own art and with its specified power they will follow your command to win this battle. Once you pressed any key in the splash screen, you will be brought to the main menu. If you choose to play solo, you will be fighting against the game’s artificial intelligence (AI). As the game begins, you will be asked either to go through the game with the tutorial or without the tutorial. The tutorial will educate you on how to play this excited game. In the game play, you may shuffle your pieces up to 3 times and that set a piece as your King. The first to defeat the opponent’s King wins the game. Each style piece has their strength and weakness. The loop is the Invincible Palm defeats the Dragon Fist, The Dragon Fist Defeats the Heavenly Sword and the Heavenly Sword defeats the Invincible Palm. The tip to win the game is you have to remember the order and act wisely, you can only allow to move one square at a time within 20seconds. If 2 same styles are encountered in a fight, you will be given 10 seconds to change your piece’s style, and the fight resumes until one player wins. Throughout the game, there are five kind of creates will be appear onto the board. They are Lucky Star which let you select your lucky piece, Empty Crates where you will find nothing inside, Morph Potion allows you to change one of your piece’s styles, Land Mine where you can place a trap on the board and Hemlock where you will sacrifice one of your pieces, the crate must use the dropped crate wisely and protect your king at any cost because once your King is defeated, you lose. You can get this game at www.Fonwar.com. Return to the mainpage.